Deb Packnick
Mother's Day Out Director
My Story
Debbie Packnick grew up in NUMC and she and her husband Rob raised their three children Kyle, Craig and Alison in our church. Debbie has served in ministry leadership at Nichols in a variety of capacities including Director of Christian Education, Lay Leader, Youth Leader, ASP Chair and Chair of Nominations. She began directing our Mother’s Day Out Preschool program in 2009 and cherishes the opportunity she gets each week to warmly welcome 2 and 3 year-old children (and their parents) to school with a warm smile and word of encouragement.
In 2015 Debbie was called by God to serve as Youth Pastor at the Covenant Church of Easton. She earned her bi-vocational ministry license through the ECC in 2020, her seminary degree from North Park University in 2023 and is on track to be ordained in June of 2024.
Debbie and Rob live in Shelton where they raised Kyle, Craig and Ally. Kyle and his wife Tess live in Trumbull, Craig (also a pastor) lives in Norwalk and Ally lives in Southport.